Guest Blogger recap: July 2019

Guest Post written by MH Attendee Anne Lehman


I hopped in my car at about 1pm on a Wednesday, a four hour drive ahead of me. I was nervous but excited for what waited ahead: the Merry Hour. 

At the time, I lived in South Dakota, attending DSU to fulfill my degree in marketing and management. I had just started a blog and had a dream to connect with like minded creative individuals. I knew that the Merry Hour would be just the place.


I was greeted with warm hugs from the founders Sara and Rachel and spent the night chatting and laughing with a room full of boss babes. I headed back to South Dakota that same night, with my heart full, unknowing that that night would lead to an internship, life long friendships and lots and lots of connections. 

Now, almost two years later I’m happy to call Minneapolis my home, with a supportive community to guide and cheer me on as I continue to grow and blossom not only in the blogging world, but as a photographer and social media strategist. 

I owe a lot to the Merry Hour and I’m grateful for the community. I leave each time my heart and “glass” full. This last time was no different. 


With a glass of rosé from Pairs Well With… in my hand, I chatted and caught up with friends I’d made from past Merry Hours, munching on the delicious spread from So Happy You Liked It. We gathered round for introductions, but they were no ordinary introductions. We each shared with the group what we were going to do for ourselves the next day- and as a self care advocate I loved this. After all, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness and you can’t pour from an empty cup! 


Later Andrea, a dietitian and owner of Jac and Violet led an exercise where we looked inward and examined our values and how our everyday lives reflected them. 


As always, the Merry Hour left me feeling full once again, aligning my direction not only in my businesses, but personally too. If you haven’t had a chance to attend the Merry Hour yet what are you waiting for?! I’d highly recommend it. After all, we all need a little support and there’s nothing better than a room full of women cheering you on. 


HUGE Thanks to your guest blogger, Anne Lehman, for sharing a stellar recap of our July 2019 Merry Hour™!

And of course, another huge thank you to all of our vendors and sponsors who made the night a magical one:


Venue @MavenEvents | Wine by @PairsWellWith and @newfranceswine | Food styled by @SoHappyYouLikedIt

Food vendors:

@wedgecatering | @craftandvinepicklery | @driftbakingco

Giveaways/Swag Bags:
@jacandviolet | @rahn.bryan | @basecampfitness

Sara Schultz